An article in Christianity Today (see link at end) asks church leaders in Italy and Spain to share insights to help North American pastors meet the challenges of Covid-19. They make several important points, including, >>take social distancing seriously, NOW. >>reach out to all members for care >>stop all meetings >>equip believers to feed themselves from Word The challenge comes to us from European ministers: >>> How can the urgency of this season result in a greater level of effectiveness as disciples once the crisis abates? As we come to the end of Ephesians chapter one, Paul’s prayer from a heavenly point of view strikes with force, “[that you may know] what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His might power, which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places” (Eph.1:19-20, emphasis mine). Would you not agree that God must be extremely interested in how the Church handles the mighty power that has been invested in us, especially during these days of crisis? We are living in a most extraordinary time, a time to beg God to display His power. The Church has a chance to change and emerge with spiritual force for the good of humanity. What part will you, and I, play in that change? As I reflect again on Ephesians, I am more convinced than ever that our obedience will be weak and temporary unless it is built on the character and provision of God. I have sketched (below) the contour of the Ephesian letter. It resembles a cross-section of North America, with >>the Sierra Nevada and Cascade ranges on the west (or left), >>maintaining the heights to the Rockies, >>then giving way to the great plains of the Midwest, >>with a final ascent at the Appalachians. The high mountains are the great truths of God, things we must believe (orthodoxy = right belief). Note the great themes we will discover in coming days: >>the power of Christ >>Grace in salvation >>One body unveiled The great plains picture how we walk out our faith (orthopraxis = right practice), through, >>Body ministry >>New relationships (marriage, parenting, work) >>Soul armor I encourage you to read straight through Ephesians once again. Note the contours which you observe. Let’s pay attention to the ways we can walk worthy of our calling. What is God beginning to stir in your heart? |

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Here is the link to the CT article I referenced. |